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What should I pay attention to when buying the wine?

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What should I pay attention to when buying the wine?

Release date:2016-10-11 Author: Click:

Autumn is the season for grapes to be listed in large quantities, and home brewed wine has become the choice of many consumers. The brewing process of self made wine mainly includes cleaning, disinfection, raw material cleaning, crushing, fermentation, pressing, clarification, aging and so on. However, improper operation of brewing process can cause safety hazards. In order to protect consumers from drinking wine safely, the State Food and drug administration has made the following suggestions.

1. Choose quality grapes suitable for brewing wine.

Grapes are divided into wine grapes and table grapes. In order to improve the quality of brewed wine, consumers are advised to buy fresh, mature and undamaged wine grapes when choosing raw materials.

Two, strict control of contamination during fermentation.

The fermentation utensils of self made wine should be cleaned and drained before hot water or high alcohol consumption before use. When fermentation, the temperature should be controlled at 15~25 degrees centigrade, avoiding above 30 degrees. Due to the large number of epidermis microbes in grape raw materials, it is suggested that a suitable amount of dry yeast can be added before fermentation to inhibit the propagation of mixed bacteria. It is forbidden to add water to fermentation containers during fermentation. If there are foreign bodies such as white hairs and mildew in fermentation or storage, please note that they are infected with mixed bacteria. Please do not drink any more.

Three. Do not seal containers during fermentation to prevent explosion.

Due to the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas in the fermentation process of brewed wine, priority should be given to steel and food grade plastic containers in order to prevent explosion. During fermentation, it is strictly forbidden to seal the container. There should be a gap in the bottle mouth or eight layers of gauze to seal it. After fermentation, the wine and yeast should be separated completely, so as to prevent fermentation.

Four. Self made wine is suitable for storing in dark and cool environment.

Due to the limitation of sterilization conditions, there may be other microorganisms in the liquor after fermentation, which may lead to deterioration of wine. Therefore, it is suggested that the wine stored in a dark and cool environment should be stored at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. For brewed wines, do not use non food grade plastic bottles for storage. It is advised to finish drinking in a short time and not for long term storage.

Five, judge whether wine is deteriorated by color and smell.

High quality wines should be clear, transparent, natural and pleasing, elegant and pleasant, full-bodied, well structured and structured. When clarified and stable wine is cloudy, lose light, or appear oily or iridescent, when it smells sour, nail polish, mildew and rat flavour, it can be basically judged that the wine has deteriorated and is not suitable for drinking.

Six. Drinking matters for brewed wine

(1) reasonable catering. Wine has always existed as a table drink and should be served with other foods. It is best to drink at table.

(two) moderate drinking and taboo in drinking. For special populations, such as pregnant women, alcohol allergy groups, patients and minors, alcohol consumption should be avoided.

This article URL: http://www.eqots.com/en/news/397.html

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