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ETS becomes the designated laboratory for the validation of the international standards for childrens cars.

ISO/PC second annual meeting of the 310 international standard project committee for children's passenger cars was held in Shanghai, China in from January 23 to 25, 2018. The conference was commissioned by the China National Standardization Management Committee (SAC) to entrust good children and Children Products Co., Ltd. The meeting was co chaired by Mr. Zhu Yunlong, chairman of the ISO/PC 310, and Mr. Fredric Hausemer, chairman of the French side.

32 experts from all over the world attended the meeting from China, France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and other Hongkong countries. During the meeting, experts came to visit and guide the Jiangsu billion Test Technology Service Co., Ltd. (ETS), which will provide verifying testing services for the "ISO/PC 310 children's international standards for passenger cars".

 Billion certification test


 Billion certification test


After the visit, experts recognized the professional level of ETS. The meeting finally confirmed that ETS is the designated laboratory for the validation of the "ISO/PC 310 children's international standards" project.
