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Consumption warning for childrens crawling mat

Children crawling mat is a kind of common children's products. It has the functions of moisture-proof, cushioning, heat preservation, noise reduction and so on. It is widely used in indoor and outdoor occasions. If children fall down in crawling, toddling and running, they can play a good role of cushioning and protection, and are deeply favored by consumers.

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Fig. 1 example of children's crawling mat with various materials

Recently, experts from the National Center for quality supervision and inspection (QSIQ) defect product management center surveyed some children's crawling mat sold on the market, and found that some children's crawling mat contains some detachable parts.


 Billion certification

 Billion certification


Fig. 2 example of children's crawling mat with detachable components

If these components form small parts in toy products, if they are swallowed by children, they may suffocate children.


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Figure 3. Detachable components form small parts, and there is a risk of choking in children.


To protect children from such products, a consumer warning on children's crawling mats is released.

1. do not buy children's crawling mat without factory name.

2. removable parts inspection: when buying children's crawling mat with letters, figures, graphics and other removable parts, we should choose as few and larger shapes as possible to ensure that the size of the child can not be swallowed by children.

3. we should try to choose children's crawling mat with stronger texture and bending resistance. During the use of floor mats, the floor mat should be regularly checked for wear or rupture, so as to prevent small parts from being damaged after gnawing bites.

 Billion certification



4. if a child is injured during the use of the floor mat, the consumer may report injury information or submit defect clues to the AQSIQ defective product management center.

The contact way of the AQSIQ defective product management center is:

Defect information collection platform: www.dpac.gov.cn

Tel: 010-59799616

Fax: 010-82800970

E-mail: Tousu@dpac.gov.cn


(source: AQSIQ defective product management center)

